website design and web development

Photo & video

Digital photography

We are able to take high-quality digital photography in studio, on-locals or on any particular scenes chosen by the client.

You can choose from the following photography options:

  • Wedding (any other occasions, as well)
  • Group, class
  • Children
  • Products
  • Family occasions
  • Portfolio

On request we can do certain modifications and enhancements on the photographs, as well as we can make it more unique with the help of various techniques and effects.

See our photo references.

Video production

Video making has a very special role in capturing the atmosphere of a major corporate event. We make videos of any kinds of events.

Our clients will receive the shooting on DVD, even in more copies.

Depending on the place of shooting, we charge a minimal fee for travel allowance, apart from the fee of video making.

For more information, please contact us.